Month: August 2017

The answer is in the Metal!!!


Even though I could not get to my local Comic Book Shop last night for Metal Midnight Madness at Acme Comics or Ssalefish Comics due to the bus ends service at 11pm.  I got this book after 12pm on my Kindle!

Today I read it and WOW, I loved it!!


It goes deeper into the story of Batman’s secret project that goes even deeper then we thought!!  I can not wait to read more!!! 

Long time coming!!


It may seem I’ve not read a comic in a while, Yes I have not read one everyday like I used to.  I read these 2, 2 times!!

 I’ll say it again, I loved reading The Court of Owls, at first I thought these books was a continued storyline but in a way it was but this story was so far removed from the books that started my love affair of Batman that I had to fight my way through these books!!

I would love a book to finish The Owls story but this was not it!!