Month: July 2016

My own thoughts on THE KILLING JOKE!


First off I do my best to avoid what other people say about a movie or a comic, I like to form my own thoughts on the media I watch or read.

Like I said before on this site I LOVE The Killing Joke comic & I think it is in the top 2 Batman stories of all times!!  Going in I was hoping the movie would not disappoint, IT DID NOT!!  I was amazed how good it was & the added story was slow at the start but in no way did it take away from the overall feel of the movie!!  The Killing Joke movie added more of a passion for Batman & The Joker (even though I hate clowns) I am so glad I am getting the Blue-Ray next week!!!!!

Fed-Up with The Preacher!!!


As a comic book fan, and a fan of the comic The Preacher, I was excited when I heard that AMC was doing a tv show based on the comic.  Several weeks in now, I am very disappointed.  Even though the comic is a very dark, gritty and non christian story line, it is also a very entertaining and gripping book to read.  This is not the case for the show.  I understand tv/movies always have liberties in changing some parts of the story, but when you change about 85% of the back story to fit what the concept of the tv show is, that is where I draw the line.  My wife and I have been watching from day one and gave it the benefit of the doubt up to this point.  They’ve drifted so far away from the original story, that it’s unrecognizable where they are going now.  So as of right now, we are not a fan and if AMC does see this, maybe they’ll pull the show back on course again back to what true fans wanted the show to be.   

Bad news and a good book!!!

People that know me know I love & teach computers!!  The love for tech surpasses my love for comics & I pride myself on keeping old tech useful as long as I can, but this week it happened, on a clear afternoon no cloud in the sky, I was on the computer working on my teaching site..


On Eagles Wings Computer Learning Group

The power went out & when the power came back on I tried to turn on my computer but it did nothing, its dead!!!

For now I am doing everything on my Macbook Pro, this sad week I did finish one book & even though I like the story but the way it is written it is a very short book & can be read in a hour or less almost not worth the cost of it!!!


Happy4th of July!!

As the start of the 4th Of July weekend I would like to send out a heartfelt THANK YOU to our REAL LIFE Superheroes, all the VETS that fought for our FREEDOMS IN THE USA!!!
